Happy Reading!!
Random Fact #1
15 minutes of physical activity (of any intensity!) is shown to give both your mood and body a boost! Compared to couch potatoes, people who do a quick bout of exercise are phsycially and mentally healthier.
So get off the couch and do whatever you can to keep yourself moving!!
Random Fact #2
9 lbs!!!! That's what you can gain in a year just by eatting your lunch at your desk everyday during the workweek. A study found that people would ate at their desk had a hazy memory of what they've eaten so when it came to a nightime snack they ate nearly twice as much. Save yourself some calories and have lunch away from your desk!
Random Fact #3
A study shows that mindless doodling can actually help you concentrate better and remember more information during meetings. This study shows that doddling actually helps keep you focused on what is being said when otherwise your mind can wander. So go ahead, doodle away!!Random Fact #4
To help cure a hangover drink some coconut water. This tropical beverage is packed with pottasium, a mineral that's depleted when you drink too much alcohol. Plus, it's low in calories!!
Random Fact #5
When shopping for bread at the grocery store, ensure that the first item on the ingredients panel is a whole grain like whole wheat, and that each slice contains at least 2 grams of fiber. Ignore the phrase "made with whole grains," it's pretty meaningless!