Does your exercise routine include intervals – training that alternates high-intensity bursts with slower? It should and here’s why:

· Intervals keep your metabolism cranked higher and longer after your workout, helping you burn an extra 120 calories AFTER you’re done….who doesn’t want that?!
· Intervals will work with any form of cardio and helps keep you from getting bored
Self magazine calls it the shortcut to slim and I completely agree, it helps me get more bang for my buck when I’m working out. Below are a couple of examples of how to incorporate intervals into your daily workout.
RPE = Rate of perceived exertion: on a scale of 1 – 10 where 1 is sitting on the couch (sad, I know) and 10 is carrying the couch!
Interval Exercise #1 – for beginners –
Warm Up – 5 minutes of cardio at a moderate pace (RPE – 5 or 6)
Intervals – Alternate between 1 minute at a harder pace (7 or 8) with 1 minute of an easier pace (4 or 5). Repeat the whole cycle 6 – 8 times
Cool Down – 5 minutes at an easy pace (4 or 5)
Interval Exercise #2 – pump it up a little –
Warm Up – 5 minutes of cardio at a moderate pace (RPE – 5 or 6)
Intervals – Start at 30 seconds for as hard as you can maintain (9-10) with 1-2 minutes of rest. Repeat the whole cycle 6 – 8 times
Cool Down – 5 minutes at an easy pace (4 or 5)
Remember, do what you can and if you ever don’t feel well stop and rest and always always stay hydrated!!
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